
How do I speak to a Babyl doctor?
How do I speak to a Babyl doctor?
First, you need to register, but you only need to do this once.
- To register, dial *811* ID#
- Select your insurance : *811# , select 2 and choose your insurance
Then you book your appointment
- *811#, select 1 to book your consultation—-and confirm the consultation by choosing 1 to pay
- A message will pop up indicating the time of your appointment
- A reminder message of your appointment will be sent to you again 5 min before the time of the appointment
- A Babyl triage nurse will call you at the set time to start the consultation

Can I use the service from anywhere?
Can I use the service from anywhere?
You can access a Babyl clinician across the country. All what you need is to have a mobile phone with a sim card registered on your ID

I missed my appointment, what do I do?
I missed my appointment, what do I do?
If you missed your appointment and would still like to speak with a doctor, the easiest way to do this is to call our free line on 8111 and ask the Babyl agent to re-book your appointment on your behalf.

Do you treat children?
Do you treat children?
Currently we do not treat children under the age of 16 years old as they do not have a national ID. We will inform all users in case we begin treating children through our service.

Will Babyl doctors have your medical history?
Will Babyl doctors have your medical history?
Babyl doctors will create and build your medical history from your first consultation.

How people can be treated without a physical contact?
How people can be treated without a physical contact?
Many conditions can be safely treated without physical contact in exactly the same way that doctors often do this in their physical practice. Some common conditions suitable for a phone consultation include hay fever, menstruation issues, repeat prescriptions for existing medication, sexual health issues such as erectile problems, and dealing with stress and anxiety. Of course, there will definitely be conditions that require physical examination and we always advise patients who need such contact to be seen in a local health facility. Babyl is intended to complement the existing healthcare system by treating only those conditions that can be safely treated by a virtual service.

How do I pay for a consultation?
How do I pay for a consultation?
Throughout the process of booking an appointment, you will be given an option to pay for the consultation, using Mobile Money or Tigo Cash. Your appointment will be confirmed after you have completed the payment.

How will I identify a partner pharmacy of Babyl?
How will I identify a partner pharmacy of Babyl?
A Babyl pharmacy, just like any other partner health facility, will have a purple, heart-shaped outside sign post, indicating that we work together. That pharmacy will have the Babyl portal, and you will be able to get the support you need regarding your prescription.

What times can I get a consultation?
What times can I get a consultation?
Babyl doctors are available Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 7pm. However, if you try to book an appointment before or after the indicated time, your appointment will be automatically scheduled for the nearest working time.

How soon can I get an appointment?
How soon can I get an appointment?
You will get a call from our triage nurse within minutes after you book an appointment, depending on the current call volume.

Why have I been advised to see someone face to face?
Why have I been advised to see someone face to face?
Whilst digital consultations are appropriate for the vast majority of problems, there are situations where your doctor will advise you to see a clinician face to face so that you can have a specific test or examination. Your doctor will help you to know how urgently you should do this, and the most convenient way to arrange it.

Does the AI Symptom Checker diagnose?
Does the AI Symptom Checker diagnose?

How do Babyl prescriptions work?
How do Babyl prescriptions work?
After your Babyl GP consultation, an sms with a code will be sent to you to be redeemed from Health centers, or partner clinics and private pharmacies. You will recognize our partner health facility by a heart shape Babyl sign post.
If you are a Mutuelle user, the medication will be given without additional cost. In case you are a RSSB user (ex-RAMA), you will be required to co-pay the usual 15% of the cost of your medicine. However private users will need to pay the total cost of the medication.

Can Babyl tell me the cost of medication?
Can Babyl tell me the cost of medication?
Since prices are set by health facilities, it is always better to approach the health facility and get information about pricing.

Do you offer a repeat prescription service?
Do you offer a repeat prescription service?
Babyl can offer a repeat prescription service if our GPs have received a referral letter of the patient’s condition from the clinic that has done the diagnosis.

What if I have a question about my medicine?
What if I have a question about my medicine?
Following your appointment there is a way you can find out more information about what you have been prescribed. Kindly call our free line on 8111 and you will get relevant information.

Can I take my prescription code to different pharmacies?
Can I take my prescription code to different pharmacies?
The code is used once. When the prescription is redeemed, the code expires right after. In case you face any issues, please call our call center for free on 8111.

Why is there a delay in receiving my prescription code?
Why is there a delay in receiving my prescription code?
If the prescription code takes time to reach you, immediately contact our customer service line by calling 8111.